Click on Download below the description to have a look at the lesson plan. As a result, the PPP model moves learners from supported to freer use of the target language in a lesson. Here you can find all the things that we talked about and are an extra content. Good luck~. Do you have any complaints about English? PPP is one model for planning a lesson. In giving directions we do use some set phrases such as go straight, turn left, you cant miss it, but we also use imperatives. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Ive now uploaded the handouts directly to the site instead of using my skydrive, hope that has sorted the problem. Whats important to realize is that unless you have imposed limits placed on you, you have a great amount of freedom to create a lesson plan suitable for you and your students. The Practice stage of a PPP lesson gives learners the opportunity to use the target language in a controlled way - this focuses on them developing their accuracy in using the new language. Active sentenceEveryone called it Clean Car.Passive sentenceIt was called the Clean Car by everyone.The main verb is always in its past participleform. Well I originally put this plan together about 4-5 years ago for a group conversation class I was teaching. When they have finished each group takes it in turns to tell the rest of the class each complaining story. You begin thinking of different alternative ways to teach that class without using the material in the book. As a result, Produce tasks that develop learners speaking skills can range from role-plays to debates depending on the target language and context of the lesson. Tel: +85281207580. All Rights Reserved. Read the Before You Start for a little more orientation Include how you will stimulate the students' interest in the language and how you might elicit from the students the language you are planning to teach. Lesson 8 Activity 2 Student Worksheet: Role play scenarios, Lesson 8 Activity 2 Teacher Resource Sheet: Role play scenarios, Lesson 8 Activity 2 Teacher Resource Sheet: Making a complaint, Lesson 8 Homework Task Student Worksheet: Letter of complaint, Competition and Consumer Protection Commission, Bloom House, Railway Street, Dublin 1, D01 C576. Try using the PPP model to write a lesson plan for this class. Your Professional Passport to an International Dream JobPPP Lesson Plan Example Lesson Goal Students will learn names of colours in English. It is simply one version. Finally, in pairs, students write mini-dialogues where they make complaints, requests and apologies using picture prompts. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, , ultrices ac magna. Compare L1 and L2 differences in complaints in order to notice C1/C2 influence on L1 and L2. a PPP lesson plan, based on the PAST CONTINUOUS INTERRUPTED, with the information below. If necessary you can have another look at Unit 2 for a . Tell students to read through the sheet briefly in pairs. Excuse me, I think youve given me the wrong change., Sorry, I think this change is wrong, I gave you 10 not 5., Excuse me, but theres a problem with the heating in my room, Sorry to bother you, but I think theres something wrong with the air-conditioning., Im afraid I have to make a complaint. Using a song in class might be presented in different ways, but both LP6 & LP7 suggest ways that could be theoretically followed using the PPP model. Next, students take turns reading out their complaints, adding a suitable introductory phrase, e.g., 'Excuse me, but.', 'I'm sorry, but.'. You might like to see what kind of lesson plan you can come up with. Anyone successfully do this with a shy/introverted how closely do you correct and explain small mistakes? In pairs, students look at their cards that each show a picture, a complaint and a request. Best practice suggests that a 60-minute lesson should feature equal time (i.e 20 minutes) to each stage - language teachers can therefore plan out their lessons in advance allowing enough time to address any issues that students may encounter. If you compare them, you may notice some differences such as in LP2 (Lesson Plan 2) there are 3 Presentations, not one. You are not required to submit the actual materials, but do include a brief description of them. The first role-play is based on buying a mobile phone. Invite each group to prepare and then perform a short role play based on their scenario for the rest of the class. In a PPP lesson plan, the teacher presents the new language structure. In these two engaging apologizing games, students practice expressions with. Students then read about three steps for dealing with complaints. Lesson plans - PPP. Employ complaint patterns used by native speakers total time: 1.5-2 hours This could be a fill-in-the-blank exercise or word order activity . What I think is Pairs take it in turns to choose an item at random from their worksheet and role-play a complaint to another pair with one student being the customer and the other the shop assistant. -Teacher has students in their groups to discuss the phrases. 5- If you do a few challenges like this, maybe come up with a PPP lesson plan you would like to try out in one of your classes. -Teacher elicits the TL phrases using G/W. Although there are many ways to organise a lesson, the merit of PPP is that it provides a clear step-by-step model for new teachers to follow by dividing the lesson into three main stages: Present, Practice and Produce. I've used this game with a variety of levels, from elementary up to advanced. Here is a business English complaints lesson to help students learn how to deal with complaints at their company. What springs to mind when you hear the word complain? Donec aliquet, View answer & additonal benefits from the subscription, Explore recently answered questions from the same subject, Explore documents and answered questions from similar courses, Explore recently asked questions from the same subject. PPP allows you to develop a structured, graded and time efficient lesson plan that conveys the material in an understandable way for your students. NOTE: There is a website that allows you to type out those symbols (and its good for languages other than English):, This is another good site because it gives you many examples. There was a fair amount of detail and attention given to the debate activities in the Practice and the Production stages. This online proclamation ppp lesson plan making complaints pdf can be one of the options to accompany you in imitation of having further time. This first Presentation stage of the lesson enables learners to explore the meaning, form and use of the language before they are expected to practice using it. Feel free to approach your goals in a variety of ways and decide on those that you feel have the benefits you are looking for. Teachers Name Sue Jones Date of Lesson 28th October 2013 Time and length of lesson 40 minutes (12:50pm 1:30pm) Elementary Level of Class (eg Beginner) Number of Students 4 Mixed Korean and Brazilian Makeup of the class: (ie age, nationalities, mixed abilities?) We developed this lesson to teach students some functional language used when complaining and responding to complaints. Making complaints Video length 3 minutes 37 seconds Video genre Cartoons (for adults) Level The above lesson is a great teaching resource for: Pre-intermediate (A2) Student type This resource is intended for: Adults, High schoolers, Business/professional students Adults High schoolers Business/professional students Quality check The Production activity in these examples has been for speaking, but writing could be another end to strive for, and you follow the same procedure (Context Input Presentation Practice Production) to get the students orientated and using the target language in the way defined in your objectives. Im so sorry sir / madam, Ill send someone up to look at it immediately., Im sorry to hear that, Ill get someone to check it for you.. What kinds of things do you complain about? When the students have finished, they exchange cards and repeat the process. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If there are more than four people in any group the remaining people could take on tasks such as: director, script writer, time-keeper etc. Students start with the first scenario on the board. Its important to monitor your students to see how they are coping with the information, to give them support and clear direction, as well as ample opportunities to practice and explore before attempting the Production activity. 1. PPP is really simple to use and as such does not take much time to neither fill in nor to read. Ensure that students understand them both. Or if you just want to approach the song as a quick activity and not go through the whole process of following a complete model, it is still recommended to have a clear objective on how the song would work to help your students in some way. I have lived in a few different cultures, starting with Canada (Flin Flon, Manitoba), where I grew up, went to university (Winnipeg) and worked for many years. Please could you tell me what previous knowledge is required for students to be at this level? You can download teachers notes to accompany them from our Facebook page or from this blog. Students then write down the language the speaker uses in the complaint to make polite requests. This lesson plan has been more fully developed, complete with accompanying materials. And finally, spend time anticipating challenges your learners will encounter in understanding the meaning, forma and use of the target language and how you will address these challenges in the Presentation and Practice stages. The various stages involved will be explained and examples will be provided throughout the article. These functional language activities, games, role-plays and worksheets help teach students techniques for keeping a conversation going and making small talk. But do check it out after you have done yours, partly for curiositys sake, and partly to see if you can find some ideas that might complement yours, or stimulate other ideas for you. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The PPP approach seems rather simple at first glance, but to implement it effectively I need to be prepared to clarify any question in the first stage of presentation. Invite students to write a letter of complaint to a retailer about an MP3 player which has been repaired once, but has developed the same fault a second time. Our formats can serve as a starting point to your syllabus. Youll have to come up with a few more examples to teach.) Ask students What would you do if you had a complaint?. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. 3- Complete the lesson plan by addressing each of the sections. Remember that the PPP model is best designed for a language focus, not directly on skills development. Give us a like and a share. Let your perspectives of the class (what might be effective and most beneficial) along with the objectives and what is available (materials, technology, etc) be the defining criteria of how the lesson plan shapes up. Students will describe a picture using names of colours in English. First, students look at some common complaints made by parents and teenagers. LP8 is one possible example of how that could be done. Compare yours with the one provided and look for benefits in both plans. So excited to have found this! Students then write down four complaints and say them to their partner who guesses if the complaints object to a negative behaviour, attitude, habit or condition. This can help you immensely if you want to repeat the plan with another class, or when you are thinking what to do in the next class. If we were not following the PPP model, we could be open to doing things differently, and that might be fine too. Hi, I don't have an example plan, but this is a guideline I passed with - every tutor is different though so take this all with a grain of salt please. In my early years of teaching, I also wasnt sure what to do with it, but now connected speech has become one of my favourite aspects of teaching. Give the class 5-10 minutes to swap stories. (For example, listening: three people at a meeting at work arguing about the location of the coffee machine.) One last point. Students have the auditory, visual, and technology experience for each lesson. Also, the suggestion is to have a debate for the Production activity. All Rights Reserved. waitress, in a restaurant. Whether youre getting your learners to Produce via a speaking or writing task, allow sufficient time for them to plan, participate and receive feedback before wrapping up the lesson. 4. A problem can't be fixed if no one knows it exists. Donec aliquet. For exampleIt was designed in Italy.subjectverb to be past participle. OPTION TWO: You want to try the challenge. 8. NOTE: In this challenge there is a range of levels. Student A: You are staying in a 5 star hotel, there is a famous rock band staying in the room next door, it is 3am and they are having a wild party, throwing televisions out the window and keeping you awake. Please sign up for the course before starting the lesson. Photocopy exercises from a textbook, white-out the answers and let students complete the questions as a review. You are not required to subm a PPP lesson plan, based on the PAST CONTINUOUS INTERRUPTED, with the information below. . haha, me too. In your group, plan a lesson based on the material given to your group. That is something you will have to make decisions on. 8. Next, students take turns reading out their complaints, adding a suitable introductory phrase, e.g., 'Excuse me, but', 'I'm sorry, but'. Students score one point for each correctly used expression. Before plotting out your lesson plan, it would be a good idea to determine what aspect of pronunciation you want to deal with, determine your objective(s), and decide what the theme for the class will be. I've chosen making requests, and with a friends help/input I've come up a lead-in and part of the presentation, but am still sitting here stuck on the rest as we speak.And I know I'll have to redo it like I've had to for most of them.sorry I can't help, but sending commiseration. They may mention some of the following: 2. It would tie-in quite well with FCE or CAE preparation as they can be required to write letters of complaint. It is important to be polite and follow rules for socially acceptable behaviour. Complaining in English Tims Free English Lesson Plans Complains Express Society, Guest Post: C1/C2 Collins Word of the Year by Suzy Ratcliff, C1/C2: Expressing Opinion Hot Button Topics, 2Ts in a Pod Episode 57: Jamie Keddie Images & Stories in the Classroom, C2 Proficiency Key Word Transformation Training #6. L1: Money where does it come from, where does it go? How would you go about it? -One student in the group then tells the class about discussion. The first stage is the presentation of an aspect of language in a context that students are familiar with, much the same way that a swimming instructor would . To bridge the jump from Practice to Produce, it is a good idea to set a second Practice task that gets learners using the target language more freely. 4. Redirecting focus and calling for a solution at the end of a complaint is another good way to address the issue. Sometimes you may want to dedicate only one or two activities and a short time to exploring some language aspect, and dont want to go through all the different stages. However, it is still generally a very good idea to be clear on your objectives, no matter what model or approach you are considering. Part of the challenge is dealing with two separate themes of functional language. Just like grammar and vocabulary, there are some rules to guide the language learners, you cant teach them all at once, or expect the student to master them in just one class. Reason: This will get students talking about the past, and will be a good transition into using present perfect. And of course it is often a good idea to spread out complicated elements over several classes. The language teacher presents the target language (grammar or vocabulary) and then students practice and produce the language through controlled activities that move to freer activities. In PPP, the teacher presents the target grammar structure. PPP time pyramid Developing PPP structure can also be time sensitive. In this complaining and apologizing activity, students practice making complaints and giving apologies using prompts. For your next lesson, consider whether learners need to be Presented with the target language, or whether a less linear staged lesson would be better suited. In the case of skills-based lessons an ESA (Engage-Study-Activate) staged lesson works well. The other student then makes a request and their partner gives a suitable reply. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Student B: You are the receptionist in a 5 star hotel, it is 3am a guest has come to complain about noise, there is a famous rock group staying in the hotel, they have paid 1million to have a party in their room. Your group will be given a worksheet packet and lesson material. The teacher can play with how to approach it, like breaking it up into smaller components and deal with them over several different classes, for example. Another recommendation: Sometimes you are teaching something new and there might be a lot of details that you feel important to include. Similarly, if the language and context of the lesson lends to developing learners writing skills, they may write a recipe, a film review, a synopsis of a book, a description of an item for sale onlinethe list is endless. Now let's remind ourselves of the language tips and tricks that can help us to make better complaints: 1) Tell a story Don't go straight into your. It is not necessary to find any materials to use (listenings or articles, worksheets, etc), nor write out a lot of detailed ideas (unless you want to). I usually do a warm up conversation question. A- some sounds change ex: Did you Dijou (the d and the y change to j) We offer variety in daily planning, weekly planning, and subject wise planning to monthly planning templates. What makes the lesson plan stronger is how the teacher uses it while actually in the classroom. I think for your content, you could just give a series of statements, have them write on paper A or D (agree or disagree). I wish we had some video example. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices, trices ac magna. You feel that these expressions could be useful for the students to learn as the target language. The two students then compare their numbers to see if they match or not. In this case, because the target language consists of two different sets of expressions, think of how you are going to approach that. The trick here is to strike a balance in providing enough scaffolding for learners to experiment, but not so much that it becomes another controlled exercise. Student B: You are a hotel receptionist, student A is coming to complain about his / her bill. Click on the number or description to have a look at the lesson plan. That might mean just having a few thoughts about how you might go about it, you could scratch out a minimal skeleton plan, or you could develop it further with some details. If the answer for a controlled Practice task is unclear or contains multiple correct answers, then learners will struggle to recognise patterns in how the target language is used. When planning a PPP lesson, consider planning backwards to ensure that learners are supported in the stages leading up to Produce and that at each stage theyre recycling the target language. Just because you want to focus more on a reading or listening activity doesnt mean you cant have the students look at and use some grammatical structures or new vocabulary, but because that target language is of a lower priority and has less time and fewer activities surrounding it, the PWP model is used. Lorem ipsum dolor, pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Each student brings a picture or a drawing of themselves. I am taking the course now and I am having trouble with this last assignment. If it is for a lower level, it might be the first time you are introducing the grammar point, for example, or if you think the students have already been exposed to the target language, you would dedicate your class to clarifying some points and strengthening the students usage. Then go through and clear up any vocabulary problems and emphasise the cultural note. Maybe your goal is not to reach a Production stage, for example. Speaking or writing is also part of the objective and the Production stage, but it is not the language focus. To complete the Design Challenge activity, create at least one post on the Padlet by following one of the recommended options. Complete the lesson plan by addressing each of the sections (context, input gist task, etc introduction is optional). Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Each student then takes one card from the top of the pile that corresponds to their role. Another is to accept THE CHALLENGE. 5. Please see any examples given by staff before posting. Lesson Plan 2 is from The PPP Model Explained, Section D where the concepts are explored further, providing more details and insights on how the model can be used. Put students in small groups (3-4) Tell them to think of a time when they made a complaint. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Use a before/during/after lesson plan. The aim is to use as many of the expressions on the cards as they can during the role-play. The PPP technique in teaching is a common way to introduce students to new words and concepts. Our students could also work on their own speaking skills, particularly in the area of relaxed speech where the sounds seem to merge together. (For example, LISTENING FOR GIST: Students decide which of four topics the people at the meeting are discussing.) -Have CCQs ready and undertaken in groups. The student with the most points at the end of the game wins. And a teacher with less experience would come up with what is within her/his current resources and perspectives, which would be appropriate for her/his situation. Before I taught the lesson, it seemed that I included too much information for the first stage, but after There is some skills work done in the Input stage where reading or listening does play a part, and speaking is encouraged throughout the lesson. Among the numerous acronyms that are used in the field of teaching languages is the highly criticised yet resilient PPP model. And the reader is reminded that the PPP model is only one of many possible approaches to teaching a language class. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Press J to jump to the feed. There are a few other words or expressions that would be helpful to learn as well, especially in understanding some important parts of the song, so these could be dealt with in the Introduction activity. 11. Total time for activities: 45 minutes. Sample lesson plan: Ideas for each stage of the lesson. It is important to remember that English is not as direct as other languages. Invite a selection of students to present their 160-character text message to Lucy. Feedback then board notes. Simply sketch out how you would interpret each section. Students imagine that items they brought are faulty and that they have to return them to the shops. This can be especially useful in the EFL classroom. If it is the first time our students have seen the Present Perfect, it is quite likely that the Past Simple would not play a big role in that class. Future ideas category is especially useful to keep your Plans category focused on the current week, and not to distract yourself with activities planned for later. You might use a short text or an audio clip to present a grammar point in context to learners. Of course you could use a different, more difficult song, or focus on the lyrics and/or grammar. One thing to consider is Slippers! Some would argue that it is impossible. Do you think complaining relieves stress? Essential in any good hotel room. When the students have finished, they report back what happened in each situation and how satisfied the person complaining felt and why. You come across an interesting video which is an interview of a famous celebrity you think many of your students like. What I want to point out is . Lesson 2: Know your rights if things go wrong in shops, Lesson 3: Your rights when shopping online, Lesson 5: Know your rights shopping in the sales, Lesson 6: Know your rights concert tickets and gift vouchers, A product or service did not fit the description, You complained already and didnt get a response, You paid for something but didnt receive it, They have a complaint about customer service or the way they were treated. 1- Read the language focus and consider the level. -One student in the group then tells the class about discussion. Did you get assistance Bumblebee? Materials A picture of the teacher. In choosing the input one would more frequently select something with a dialogue to capture more natural patterns but pronunciation is basically an element of all forms of speaking, be they speeches or monologues, chanting, poetry reading, somebody talking to him or herself, speaking in different situations which involve different kinds of interactions and levels of formality, different accents and regional tendencies, and so on. The goal of this lesson structure is to use controlled activities to lead the student towards learning. Sometimes a class goes over very well and the teacher wants to save the lesson plan to use with another class some time in the future. The challenge is how can this all be translated into a strong lesson plan using the PPP model? My Dress is Green song on chart paper. In pairs, students then role-play complaints for the situations on the board. 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