Dicionare ale limbii romne ), However, I do sometimes have a feeling that ones position on the lumper-splitter continuum may have more to do with Myers-Briggs types than the rigorous intellectual analysis one likes to ascribe to oneself , he always reacts by saying that all this shows is that Mande (or Dogon) was a very early branch, split off before those features had actually developed. Also for Oman there must be older koine and modern Gulf-influenced koine. Das Deutsche Wrterbuch von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm But this should not be an issue now. I guess my remaining issue with the Out of Natufian hypothesis would be: how sure of directionality are we? I can only see four French loans offhand (and four Norse.). Leaving aside the tremendous nonsense of the whole methodology, what seems to have happened is that they have assumed that the evident primary division of Semitic into Akkadian-Eblaite versus The Rest shows that everything is basically derived from Akkadian, or something pretty Akkadian-like, at any rate. It was a noun, not a verb, but thats alright; not everything has to be deverbal, even in Semitic. If you cant find a formal reason to not find two forms cognate, score them as cognate in your dataset. I do not know which of these two they meant when they began using the compound. There is a quote from Nichols, but it could be taken out of context. Courtesy Glenn M. Schwartz. His classification may in fact be valid, but he goes beyond what has been actually demonstrated, and he doesnt seem to be really aware of the fact; he presents speculations as established facts. The Proto-Sinaitic character for /n/, on the other hand, was based on the Egyptian symbol representing /d/, a hieroglyph depicting a serpent, and received its Semitic value from the initial consonant in the Proto-Sinaitic word for snake.. Of course, derivation and inflexion are creative, genitive or dative depend on what I mean, but it is I who decides what I mean and no one else (it is just that speakers creativity in these areas is recognized by grammar descriptions rather than goes against them:)). Those are not counted there. A problem with lexicostatistics on a set of languages which are certainly related, but the sound changes are not always clear, is that the question of whether two forms actually match for lexicostastical purposes or not can be far from objective, and I am very dubious of techniques which purport to get round this. I do not know. During the early second millennium BC, a Semitic people living and laboring in Egypt developed a script for their own language by exploiting a single component of the Egyptian writing system. Consider examples la and lb below. After all, the discussion started when I posted a link to a paper where Blench tests and then acknowledges an isolate (Chabu) that had formerly been classified by some, including Bender, in Nilo-Saharan. I was getting used and even began to see some prickly quality to the word, but then I learned hog and realized that it is a learned compound (inspired by porcupine?) Just wondering what contraindications there are. These typically take the form of isolated lexical items or unanalyzed strings of words, starting around the end of the first year of life. We have no idea why this occurs and the items themselves are different, but they must be excluded when comparing languages. lexical evidence is the main basis. Given that recent phylogenetic treatment of early tetrapods shows that [] may be distinct from most or all other [] and may instead belong to the amniote crown group ([]), this would suggest [] may have occurred [], ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, There is little in the way of plausible lexical matches (but there are some: its a bit like the situation with Uralic and Indo-European.). Figure 2 shows Spread of Iran-like ancestry and Semitic languages. All this is way beyond my pay grade, but I expect better-informed Hatters will have useful things to say about it. Compare Stachelschwein, porcupine, literally sting pig. bulbulovo Adams Bodomo wrote a brief grammar of his own Dagaare, and is now a professor in Vienna, where hes encouraged quite a few African linguists, notable Hasiyatu Abubakari, whos published a steady stream of papers on Toende Kusaal. Perhaps the Berbers are the descendants of the stubborn. (Even the most lexically-divergent pair of Oti-Volta languages* show comfortably more than 50% of clearcut matches on the Swadesh 100 list, the noun class systems are very obviously of a common origin, and the outlines, at least of the phonology of the protolanguage are fairly clear, though much remains to be done. I have a doctoral minor in Spanish and spent my army tour in Panama, and I know Ive seen the usage. Who chose the referees, and on what basis? Without worries over some arbitrary minimum number of defining traits, it is safe to say that some areas are more securely established because they contain many shared traits, whereas other areas may be more weakly defined because their languages share fewer areal traits. Many of the templates themselves bear consistent meaning of the sort associated with inflectional morphology in English (e.g. Songdog Still, if you ask me whether Id rather have proto-Germanic reconstructions to base PIE on, or proto-Germanic itself, Id definitely go with the latter. (Hittite mediopassive -ri seems to be actually droppable, come to that.). Thats the shape youd get for the area delimited by two meridians (say, 25 and 75W, being ambitious) and a parallel (say, 22S) not all that far from the territory claimed by the countries in question, though the Antarctic bit of those claims is obviously more controversial than the rest. The first (and only) non-American cite in the OED for this sense is from a 1939 British textbook on physical geography. Sigh. Because why not. View of a small Early Bronze Age settlement showing domestic and industrial areas and rounded (silo) building. Speaking of French, there never was that much motivation to call every fox Reginhard either, In Swadesh-list vocabulary a possible issue is that there are at least proportionally more verbs in there that are prone to full, partial or near-synonymy pull, push, throw, rub, turn, flow than nouns. He implies that the onus is on splitters to show that Mande, Dogon etc are not related to Volta-Congo; that would be a reasonable thing to do if there had ever been any good evidence that they were related, but there really hasnt. The international sense relates to a group of over 300 widely distributed and closely related languages of Black Africa south of a Blench himself collected some very likely cases of this (from central Nigeria, IIRC.) Erich Neu argued in his seminal Das hethitische Mediopassiv und seine indogermanischen Grundlagen, where he analysed how the r-endings spread during the attested history of Hittite texts and how that pathway differed from those in Italic and Celtic. The word is self-referential. The trick to make sure the noise is random enough for this to work is to make sure you arent really including the same character twice in different wordings (or, as Ive seen happen, seven times); with morphological data, that can be quite difficult (ultimately it requires more understanding of development genetics than we currently have), and with lexical data, its a failure of peer review in the original PIE is old enough for Renfrew paper. They were not introduced to resolve existing problems in historical linguistics. Diccionari catal Bodomos classification has little to recommend it (Nabit is unequivocally closer to Kusaal than to Nankare/Farefare, for example, and his Central Mabia is actually the least problematic part of his revisionist classification) but placing Buli-Konni as part of his Central Mabia (basically WOV) is at least an improvement over the pretty diagram above it. For Western Oti-Volta, the idea of substrata would make a lot of sense on first principles; it seems very likely that the current geographical range of these languages is a development of the last few centuries. @Ryan, in another thread I mentioned a paper dealing with the same individuals form Morocco. Respect! It was only really Germanic that was added to this, composed of several languages themselves recorded for a lot longer than any Niger-Congo language. geographically isolated populations, who retain a feature that a time-traveller could observe in the common ancestor Neither means fish outside of Arabic. Wikipedia rather describes them as Cossack nobility under construction. We are speaking about scales of millenia. The Macro-Sudan belt: towards identifying a linguistic area in northern sub-Saharan Africa. The native word icne salmon in middle Irish I find myself trying to use common sense or etymological definitions of terms like isolating or derivational suffixes. (The view that Anatolian split off first is close to becoming generally accepted; what that means exactly for the reconstruction of PIE and whether *mer- can be used to support that view is debated much more.). Ruhlen-level stuff. These are some of the more familiar schemes. That sounds to me like the banana-language that gives us names like Inanna and Humbaba. Friedrich Mller named the traditional Hamito-Semitic family in 1876 in his Grundriss der Sprachwissenschaft (Outline of Linguistics), and defined it as consisting of a Semitic group plus a Hamitic group containing Egyptian, Berber, and Cushitic; he excluded the Chadic group. Interesting. @David Eddyshaw, I understadn basal as branched off [from the common root] earlier.. A long time ago, on a website far, far away, there was a page on archelology, with lolcat captions on archeology-related pictures. (I created a handy summary of the various Moba verb morphology patterns for my own use: I manage to get it down to a mere twenty pages. Subscribe now to receive periodic updates from the Center for Hebraic Thought. Re Proto-Semitic being spoken in the area now known as the Rub-al-Khali, a hypothesized Urheimat buried under sand dunes is not quite as advantageous (in terms of resistance to impertinent questions from skeptics) as one submerged under the North Sea, but still pretty good. Also, Im not sure I know the formal definitions, but I have to assume youre talking about biological phylogenetics as derived from genomic studies. The point is that Newcastle upon Tyne (with no Southern hyphens in it, please) was the center of the coal export industry in Britain when there was any coal to export. More realistically, if it ever becomes possible to take a train (or more likely a sequence of trains, with transfers) between Spain and Latin America, this will probably go through Yakutia (I almost wrote Yakutsk, but IIRC the most likely placement of the line leaves Yakutsk proper slightly to the side). Surprisingly to me, Egypt seems relatively unexplored. Or as they call it in English, an accent, When I compared most recent common ancestor of Semitic to mitochondrial Eve, I wanted to note that everything is even worse: mitochondria do not reproduce sexually, even though they need us to make love (we assist their reproduction like bees assist flowers, just differently). West Germanic has this berberoid quality to it*, I got nervous when reading internal subgrouping of the West Germanic subfamily. This is pretty certainly a valid grouping, based on common developments in the verb system and a radical and by-no-means-natural change in the inherited tone system shared by all three of those Oti-Volta branches. 1) fiske, fiskfngst. I extend my apologies. Etymologisches Wrterbuch des Deutschen 3000 B.C. I think the main mechanism is trade. This site is called Language Hat and it deals with many issues of a linguistic flavor. My conlang Kebreni has the infix -su-for made of X: siva sand sisuva sandy. The quoted dictionary records this usage for everywhere outside the Southern Cone. In this case, if you decreed beforehand that h matched any velar or labial-velar it would give you the right answer for die, though not river; it would give you the wrong answer for the certain cognates Kusaal suo, Nawdm hmga hare.. Proposed locations include the Horn of Africa, North Africa, the Eastern Sahara and the Levant. Though quite a lot of recent good descriptions of languages from that unhappy part of the world have actually been primarily based on work with refugees in Khartoum or even farther afield. After all listik exists alonside sg. Has anybody suggested any? People of both Sahul and the Sahel could cover large distances by cassowary-pulled chariots. Sapirs Language is even olderer, but more fun. Also in the middle of the nineteenth century, we get the appearance of the technical sense: Physical Geography (originally U.S.). He may be unconsciously influenced despite himself by Dark Continent toshery. It is absolutely vital in comparative work to accept that there is a possibility that the evidence may be insufficient to establish or refute your claim. Wikipedia defines it as a coastal, supratidal mudflat or sandflat in which evaporite-saline minerals accumulate as the result of semiarid to arid climate, but in Arabic it is a salt flat that is not necessarily supratidal. Interestingly, the consonantal script of Ethiopic had undergone a significant metamorphosis by the fifth century AD, becoming a syllabary of almost 200 CV symbols. visserij (maybe from older vischerij, but I have not checked), corresponding to OF pescherie. However, the great majority of the wonderful Bantu system cannot be matched outside the family (and to some extent, Bantoid.) There is no evidence for reconstructing most classes back even to Proto-Volta-Congo, with the exception of the two semantically most coherent classes (human and liquid) and one or perhaps two others. O. Hieda, C.Knig and H. Nakagawa eds. As in the spread of back /r/ across the French-German isogloss bundle. In 1844, Theodor Benfey suggested a language family consisting of Semitic, Berber, and Cushitic (calling the latter Ethiopic). Serious judgment issues. They just werent about IE and didnt get into Nature. Basal is simply not an objective term; it really means nothing more than farthest from the taxon of current interest. ), Yes, thats how I found the first paper. Language production typically starts out with utterances, as behavioral elements which provide the initial basis for expressing relations between semantic content and phonetic form. Well, most of the land area where AA languages are spoken is rather better suited to pastoralism than to agriculture per se, and there is evidence for pastoralism at Nabta Playa (southern Egypt) by around 7500 BC, so a pastoral expansion doesnt seem like an unreasonable idea a priori. Im sure its a real word for some sort of fox-like animal (it looks like a fox in the illustration in the booklet I got it from, where its also described as prone to stealing chickens) but my informant may have been wrong about the meaning. Mongolian/English dictionary , that is, (beast) of a wild image, species. Poemas del ro Wang Lexicon is more chaotic, any grammatical subsystem is still a system and it can collapse as a system. And you can support my book habit without even spending money on me by following my Amazon links to do your shopping (if, of course, you like shopping on Amazon); As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases (I get a small percentage of every dollar spent while someone is following my referral links), and every month I get a gift certificate that allows me to buy a few books (or, if someone has bought a big-ticket item, even more). I think Stewart is not really making a fair comparison, though: with Niger-Congo youve just got the modern languages to work with, and the Indo-Europeanist pioneers were in the happy position of being able to work with very extensive written materials from a couple of millennia ago. The failure to develop methods for distinguishing innovations and probable innovations from shared features that cannot be so identified is a fundamental weakness of historical-comparative theory that we need not continue to tolerate. Bantu contains hundreds of languages that are spoken by 120 million Africans in the Congo Basin, Angola, the Republic of South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, and Kenya. The OED also finds it in Cormac McCarthys All [the] Pretty Horses, and the annual Burning Man festival is famously held on an extremely arid and dusty playa lakebed. The latter are the weaker. Any cat, however, who jumps on my lap finds herself instantly on the floor, so I at least dont get bitten. As shown by the unfortunate typos, this issue is not necessarily breathtakingly groundbreaking and worthy of Nature. ), (the first 4 lines are by DE but I cant edit the comment and mark them as a quote at the moment:(). I have some dim recollection of some Hittite words which are indeed cognate to forms in the rest of Indo-European but actually dont mean the same as in any other branch, like the *mer- root, which (I gather) is disappear in Hittite, rather than die. And what Ive seen of discussions of Hittite etymology seems to turn on ingenious PIE etymologies of words whose meaning is already known. Contrary to the common misconception that the Ancient Egyptian spoke a semitic language, the root language of ancient Hebrew is Bantu languages. Stewart went on to try to prove his point by comparisons between his Proto-Potou-Akanic-Bantu and Fulfulde, but its a very weak paper. I always recommend it for improving ones self-esteem and to people who believe foreign langauges are difficult and wish it were used as the language of international communication exactly because of its system of tenses and irregular verbs. As a matter of fact, part of my caution regarding constructs like Niger-Kordofanian comes about because I think that the morphological evidence even in Volta-Congo is really much weaker than Greenberg and his epigones imagined. Proto-Bantu had a locative suffix *-in, which may or may not be cognate (it seems to be found only in the Eastern part of the family.) Clothing can be masculine or feminine depending on who is wearing it as I noted, it happens with diminutives here:). The y- could go back to *- (as it does in ygm camel) , which would correspond to Nawdm r-, but the actual Nawdm word for hedgehog is legiila. Our tree agrees with the standard trees. J )#E~&'L)+%_ s5wA?lMEz_Z8)|je-~`d/&tEPyYL VVU\?%C FB9M'DWwsY]S|"+-z^I}y~O$j=J78",>[QT9V2&[F]ZB>!T7M_ y)ir~sg'&On^cNt#'x. I prepared corresponding lists for each of the six source languages Chinese, English, Spanish, Hindi, Russian, Arabic, weighted in the original Lojban construction process relatively to the numbers of speakers: L1 + L2/2, where the Arabic source was MSA but total number of speakers of all colloquials were counted. However, Gsiorowski instead suggests that *-rijaz is a native formation; he derives it from earlier *-azrijaz, which he etymologises as a zero-grade form of *-sr suffixed with *-ih, creating a suffix *-sr-ih for forming feminine agent nouns, which were then masculinised by attaching *-s. (The fatal problem with this whole parascientific endeavour, which now seems to have established itself in its own parallel universe where references are made only to papers from the same universe, and a study which produced results grossly at variance with known facts is described without further comment as successful.), Seems fair computers are victims here too , a model that places the ancient Mesopotamian language Akkadian as the most basal lineage of Semitic. The Cassandra Pages I do not know. Also torsk (= cod) as a client of prostitutes rings a bell. It partly confirms my version: if the word was coined in Russian by a translator under influence of Polish usage, it must be a Kievan translator. https://www.babbel.com/en/magazine/funny-animal-names-in-german. Somehow. Bantu people are biblical hebrews. The comment on Pre-Sumerian substratum made my eyebrow go up. The Southern Cone Iran-like ancestry and Semitic languages have useful things to say about it contrary to common! 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